Wealth is not Health, you alone can choose what is best for you
– Dr.Alice Soremekun

If you have not met or dealt with Dr. Alice Soremekun, I suppose you need to, especially if you care about your health. She is a pharmacist, not a medical doctor, but she knows her stuff in healthcare! I always thought that the reason for her success is because she has a PH. D in Pharmacy, but I got to learn that she also apprenticed and served as a pharmacist for many years back in Nigeria (the land of many great pharmacists!). Yet, in spite of her academic might and professional competence, she is calm, loving, and graceful.
Please give us some details about you.
I am the chief executive officer and pharmacy manager of TKS Pharmacy based in Denver Colorado. I hold a Doctor of Pharmacy degree from Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences in Colorado. Before immigrating to the United States, I was privileged to have worked in the pharmaceutical industry for over 10 years. My prior exposure to the pharmaceutical industry got me interested in pursuing a career in Pharmacy. I worked with some chain pharmaceutical companies for about 7 years before I answered the call of God to start a retail community-based pharmacy practice. I am happily married with two beautiful children.
What services do you provide and how do your clients reach you?
TKS Pharmacy provides custom compounding for pets and humans, as well as hormone replacement therapy. We administer routine and travel vaccinations, in addition to employee vaccinations on the company site, if requested by an employer. We have a retail space that carries affordable pharmaceutical-grade vitamins, minerals, other nutritional supplements, and supplements from orthomolecular, pure encapsulation, zymogen, and many more.

We provide durable medical equipment such as walking aids, incontinence supplies, special car seats, and orthoses. Available in our pharmacy are long-term care services such as multi-dose packaging, and compliance packaging. We have medication synchronization, medication therapy management, and consultation. We provide home care services for those on wheelchairs or who are home-bound.
TKS Pharmacy has a delivery service available for all patients. For clients wishing to contact us, you may do so via our website at www.tksrx.com or call us at 720- 583-2110, or simply message us on Facebook at TKS Pharmacy.
What made you decide to run your own pharmaceutical practice?
Obedience to the call of God coupled with the fact that I am an entrepreneur by nature. I was exposed to the entrepreneurial lifestyle at a very young age through my sister. She was a major distributor of pharmacy products to many renowned pharmaceutical industries in Lagos, Nigeria.
The Covid19 pandemic seems to have thrown a curve ball to many businesses. How did you circumvent the obstacles?
It is the grace of God that kept us in business. I have not done anything on my own to deserve praise. I give all glory to God Almighty who kept us going despite all the challenges brought on by the pandemic. The pharmacy is doing very well by the grace of God.
Your pharmacy has organized several Covid19 vaccine pop – up clinics. What vital pieces of advice do you have for members of the community, especially the antivaxxers ?
TKS Pharmacy’s slogan is “Health is Wealth”, so our advice to the community is for them to take charge of their health. Whatever wealth you acquire or have, if your health is in shambles, the wealth is nothing. Remember, wealth is not health; everyone should take responsibility for the choices they make. Choose what is best for your health irrespective of what you hear or don’t hear.
We are seeing the Covid19 spike in countries like India. Do you fear for Africa?
Yes, Africa is not in a bubble. I can see a similar events happening in Africa, most especially in densely populated cities. We’ve got a job to do as Africans in the diaspora to educate our people on healthcare guidelines with regard to Covid-19 spread and prevention, and to take the vaccine when it’s available to them.
What key activities would you recommend entrepreneurs to invest their time on?
Entrepreneurs should spend time on things that are important. They should take time off, lean back, decompress, or socialize with friends and family. Life is better when balanced! Make time for the people and things you love.
Take time out to think of the next business opportunity. Stay up to date with what’s happening within your environment and around the world; you never know what your next big break could be. Also, if you can, try to mentor others, especially the youth. Remember that as much as we can teach the youth, we can learn so much from them.
What have been your experiences as an immigrant in pharmacy practice?
In all honesty, it has not been awful. So long as people’s needs are met, I have no problems. We have been blessed to have great customers that have stood by us. Also, I love giving back to the community. It has been very rewarding and uplifting giving back, most especially when people express their appreciation for how our contribution has impacted their lives. Working with the community has been an awesome experience.
What has been your motivation ?
My motivation is seeing the appreciative look on my patients’ faces whenever I am providing my service. It warms my heart knowing that my pharmacy is a place where all my patients’ needs are met. That is also what I define as success. The number of lives we have touched, and the smiles we see every day from all our patients. Those are what success looks like to me.
Have you ever made any business decisions you regretted ?
Yes, there have been a few. It has always been about dealing with human beings. The Bible says that Jesus learned obedience through the things he suffered. Some of the mistakes I made doing this business have taught me a great deal about people. There have been defining moments that have made me better.
What are your favorite things to do?
I love to spend time with my family. I make time to travel, see new places, and meet people. I also like signing up for any opportunity to give back to my community.
What advice would you give to fellow immigrants who are waiting for the right time to start off ?
My advice to members of my community, especially women, is that nothing good comes easy, so stay focused. Do not stray from the goal at hand. Have your plans clearly written out and take positive steps to execute them. Visualize your success and start acting as though you have already attained it. Speak your dream into reality, but don’t forget to take it to God in prayer. Any challenges you face are bridges and steps to move you closer to your dream. Do not give up! Also, network, network, network. There is always room to grow when you collaborate with other people. Two heads are better than one. Take time to promote your product and take pride in your business because you worked hard to build it. I just want to thank you for reaching out to me for this issue of your magazine. I appreciate what you’re doing. I want to use this medium to encourage anyone out there, immigrant or not, who has a dream they are yet to accomplish to go forward with it. All you need to do is take one step every day until you look back and realize you have done what you have always wanted to do. Believe in yourself and trust in the abilities God gave you. Walk in your purpose and achieve your destiny.