In the heart of summer, a new gem of Colorado tourism, Colorado Discover, blossomed under the guidance of its dynamic founder, Eboni Powers. This social crusader and ICT professional orchestrated an extraordinary escapade that left an indelible mark on the participants.

A select group of 23 industrious professionals from Colorado were whisked away on a thrilling journey, exploring the mesmerizing landscapes of Seven Falls, Pikes Peak, and more. Among the privileged was the publisher of Afrik Digest, who was swept up in the exhilarating experience.

Eboni Powers, the visionary behind Colorado Discover, took to social media to express her gratitude. Her words resonated with warmth and sincerity, reflecting the core values of her organization: unity, diversity, and inclusion. She said, “…Your attendance and participation not only made a significant impact, but also highlighted the values that Colorado Discover stand for: unity, diversity, and inclusion. Without you, Colorado Discover would not be a vibrant and welcoming community.”

Her heartfelt tribute to Afrik Digest was nothing short of an eulogy. Her kind words were a testament to her commitment and passion. We applaud her initiative and wish her every success in her endeavour to unveil the breath-taking beauty of Colorado to the world, ensuring that every participant carries home memories to cherish for a lifetime.

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