
The Colorado Press Association (CPA)/ Colorado Media Project (CMP) annual convention kicked off on the 22nd of August and had media personnel from all over Colorado and beyond in attendance.


Lots of CMP grantees, funders, partners, and community and civic leaders will be participating at this year’s summit as Flash Talk speakers, panelists and table hosts. The event which will be holding in in Thornton will start from Noon to 5 p.m. with spotlight bright spots and a review of the accomplishments over the past year, and strategize how to advance the shared vision for a healthy local news and civic information ecosystem in Colorado.

In the face of strong headwinds and limited resources, collaboration and innovation among Colorado’s local newsrooms, journalism support organizations and community partners has never been stronger. Colorado’s local news leaders will give five-minute “flash talks” and lead roundtable discussions on these timely and provocative issues such as Voter Voices: Flipping Elections Coverage to Support a Citizen’s Agenda, Above the Noise: Journalism’s Role in Healthier Civic Conversations, Community News Transformation at Scale: What It Takes and many more.

The 2024 Colorado Media Project Summit is a special, free pre-conference session of the Colorado Press Association’s 146th Annual Convention.

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